City of Sugar Hill
Apply for your passport as early as possible and make sure it will not expire while you are gone.
This is critical to ensuring a trip runs smoothly. Delays can occur which could prevent you from receiving your passport in time for your trip. Having a passport expire while you are gone will further delay you coming home.
Contact your bank and let them know where you will be going and how long you will be there.
As a safety precaution, many banks will immediately freeze your account if they notice any unusual activity, such as a sudden usage in a foreign country. You don't want to be stuck in a foreign country with no means of payment. Also, try to keep some hard currency on you as a precaution.
Always be mindful of your personal belongings
Pick pocketing is unfortunately a very common occurrence in many other countries. Consider wearing pants with pockets that button shut or keeping your wallet and other personal belongings in your front pockets. Keep bags fastened and close to your body.
Make photocopies of your important travel documents
Leave one copy at home with a trusted friend or relative and keep another one with you away from the original copies. These could come in handy during an emergency.
Learn what you can and cannot bring onto an airplane
Be mindful of any liquids and consider buying travel sizes that are no more than 3 oz in size. You can also purchase reusable travel containers. Consider keeping some toiletries and a change of clothes in your carry-on in the event the airline misplaces your luggage.
Check for any travel or health alerts/warnings regarding your destination
If there are any alerts or warnings regarding the country you are planning to visit, you may want to consider postponing or canceling your trip. Although traveling abroad is a fantastic experience, nothing will trump the importance of the health and well-being of you and your family.